The TreeView allows exploring of hierarchic data. In its simplest form it only displays text via the Text
property of its items.
But you can also attach a value of type T
to each item via the Value
In this example ReadOnly
is set to true to prevent value selection. Some items in this example have a text, some have a value and one has both. If you use
only Text
and T="string"
then that text will also serve as value. If you set only Value
then the text will be derived from the value. You can of course set both to have different Text
and Value
. This will become important
for value selection (see Selection).
Getting Started
<MudTreeView T="string" ReadOnly> <MudTreeViewItem Text="Getting Started"> <MudTreeViewItem Text="Installation" /> </MudTreeViewItem> <MudTreeViewItem Value='"Components"'> <MudTreeViewItem Text="Avatar" Value='"MudAvatar"' /> <MudTreeViewItem Text="Button" Value='"MudButton"' /> </MudTreeViewItem> </MudTreeView>
applies a hover effect on mouse-over. Ripple
applies a ripple effect on click, except if
is set. Dense
will result in a more compact vertical padding of the item items to save space.
will prevent all interaction with any items.
With ExpandOnClick
a subtree can be expanded and collapsed by clicking on it. With ExpandOnDoubleClick
only a double-click will expand or collapse the subtrees. Additionally, a OnDoubleClick
callback can be assigned to set a custom double click behaviour.
<MudPaper Width="300px" Elevation="0"> <MudTreeView T="string" ReadOnly="" Hover="" Dense="" Disabled="" ExpandOnClick="" ExpandOnDoubleClick=""> <MudTreeViewItem Text="Applications" Expanded> <MudTreeViewItem Text="Terminal" /> </MudTreeViewItem> <MudTreeViewItem Text="Documents" Expanded> <MudTreeViewItem Text="MudBlazor" Expanded> <MudTreeViewItem Text="API" /> <MudTreeViewItem Text="Components" /> <MudTreeViewItem Text="Features" /> </MudTreeViewItem> </MudTreeViewItem> </MudTreeView> </MudPaper> <MudStack Row Wrap="Wrap.Wrap" Justify="Justify.Center"> <MudSwitch @bind-Value="ReadOnly" Color="Color.Primary">ReadOnly</MudSwitch> <MudSwitch @bind-Value="Hover" Color="Color.Primary">Hover</MudSwitch> <MudSwitch @bind-Value="Ripple" Color="Color.Primary">Ripple</MudSwitch> <MudSwitch @bind-Value="Dense" Color="Color.Primary">Dense</MudSwitch> <MudSwitch @bind-Value="Disabled" Color="Color.Primary">Disabled</MudSwitch> <MudSwitch @bind-Value="ExpandOnClick" Color="Color.Primary">ExpandOnClick</MudSwitch> <MudSwitch @bind-Value="ExpandOnDoubleClick" Color="Color.Primary">ExpandOnDoubleClick</MudSwitch> </MudStack>
@code { public bool ReadOnly = true; public bool Hover = true; public bool Ripple; public bool Dense; public bool Disabled; public bool ExpandOnClick = true; public bool ExpandOnDoubleClick; }
The icons and their color can be changed individually per item via Icon
and IconColor
. This example uses a custom
and shows how to apply an alternative icon for expanded subtrees via the IconExpanded
All Mail
<MudTreeView T="string"> <MudTreeViewItem Value='"All Mail"' Icon="@Icons.Material.Filled.Email" /> <MudTreeViewItem Value='"Drafts"' Icon="@Icons.Material.Filled.Drafts" /> <MudTreeViewItem Value='"Orders"' Icon="@Icons.Material.Filled.Label" IconColor="Color.Secondary" /> <MudTreeViewItem Value='"Categories"' Icon="@Icons.Custom.Uncategorized.Folder" IconExpanded="@Icons.Custom.Uncategorized.FolderOpen" IconColor="Color.Info" ExpandButtonIcon="@Icons.Material.Filled.ArrowRight" ExpandButtonIconColor="Color.Primary"> <MudTreeViewItem Value='"Social"' Icon="@Icons.Material.Filled.Group" /> <MudTreeViewItem Value='"Updates"' Icon="@Icons.Material.Filled.Info" IconColor="Color.Tertiary" /> <MudTreeViewItem Value='"Forums"' Icon="@Icons.Material.Filled.QuestionAnswer" /> <MudTreeViewItem Value='"Spam"' Icon="@Icons.Material.Filled.LocalOffer" /> </MudTreeViewItem> <MudTreeViewItem Value='"Trash"' Icon="@Icons.Material.Filled.Delete" /> </MudTreeView>
Single Selection
If you set SelectionMode
to SelectionMode.SingleSelection
you can select a single value from the entire tree.
is similar, except that it allows to deselect a previously selected value by clicking on it again.
You can use @bind-SelectedValue
on the <MudTreeView>
to get updates about the selected value or to influence
the selected value like you can do in this example with the chip set.
The color of the selected item can be changed with Color
<MudPaper Width="300px" Elevation="0"> <MudTreeView Hover ReadOnly="" @bind-SelectedValue="SelectedValue" SelectionMode=""> <MudTreeViewItem Value="@("config")" Expanded Icon="@Icons.Custom.Uncategorized.Folder" IconExpanded="@Icons.Custom.Uncategorized.FolderOpen"> <MudTreeViewItem Value='"launch.json"' Icon="@Icons.Custom.FileFormats.FileCode" /> <MudTreeViewItem Value='"tasks.json"' Icon="@Icons.Custom.FileFormats.FileCode" /> </MudTreeViewItem> <MudTreeViewItem Value="@("images")" Icon="@Icons.Custom.Uncategorized.Folder" IconExpanded="@Icons.Custom.Uncategorized.FolderOpen"> <MudTreeViewItem Value="@("logo.png")" Icon="@Icons.Custom.FileFormats.FileImage" /> </MudTreeViewItem> </MudTreeView> </MudPaper> <MudStack Row Justify="Justify.Center" Style="width: 100%" Wrap="Wrap.Wrap"> <MudRadioGroup @bind-Value="SelectionMode"> <MudRadio Value="SelectionMode.SingleSelection" Color="Color.Primary">SingleSelection</MudRadio> <MudRadio Value="SelectionMode.ToggleSelection" Color="Color.Primary">ToggleSelection</MudRadio> </MudRadioGroup> <MudChipSet T="string" @bind-SelectedValue="SelectedValue" Color="Color.Primary" Variant="Variant.Text"> <MudChip Text="config"/> <MudChip Text="launch.json"/> <MudChip Text="tasks.json"/> <MudChip Text="images"/> <MudChip Text="logo.png"/> </MudChipSet> <MudSwitch @bind-Value="ReadOnly" Color="Color.Primary">ReadOnly</MudSwitch> </MudStack>
@code { public string SelectedValue = "tasks.json"; public bool ReadOnly = false; public SelectionMode SelectionMode = SelectionMode.SingleSelection; }
Multi Selection
If you set SelectionMode
to SelectionMode.MultiSelection
you can select multiple values from the entire tree.
Use @bind-SelectedValues
(note the 's' at the end) on the <MudTreeView>
to get updates about the selected values or to influence
the selection like you can do in this example with the chip set.
The color of the checkboxes can be changed with the CheckBoxColor
<MudPaper Width="300px" Elevation="0"> <MudTreeView Hover ReadOnly="" TriState="" AutoSelectParent="" @bind-SelectedValues="SelectedValues" SelectionMode="SelectionMode.MultiSelection" CheckBoxColor="Color.Info"> <MudTreeViewItem Text="" Expanded Icon="@Icons.Material.Filled.FolderZip"> <MudTreeViewItem Text="config" Expanded Icon="@Icons.Custom.Uncategorized.Folder" IconExpanded="@Icons.Custom.Uncategorized.FolderOpen"> <MudTreeViewItem Value='"launch.json"' Icon="@Icons.Custom.FileFormats.FileCode" /> <MudTreeViewItem Value='"tasks.json"' Icon="@Icons.Custom.FileFormats.FileCode" /> </MudTreeViewItem> <MudTreeViewItem Text="images" Icon="@Icons.Custom.Uncategorized.Folder" IconExpanded="@Icons.Custom.Uncategorized.FolderOpen"> <MudTreeViewItem Value="@("logo.png")" Icon="@Icons.Custom.FileFormats.FileImage" /> </MudTreeViewItem> </MudTreeViewItem> </MudTreeView> </MudPaper> <MudStack Row Justify="Justify.Center" Style="width: 100%" Wrap="Wrap.Wrap"> <MudChipSet T="string" @bind-SelectedValues="SelectedValues" SelectionMode="SelectionMode.MultiSelection" Color="Color.Info" Variant="Variant.Text"> <MudChip Text=""/> <MudChip Text="config"/> <MudChip Text="launch.json"/> <MudChip Text="tasks.json"/> <MudChip Text="images"/> <MudChip Text="logo.png"/> </MudChipSet> <MudSwitch @bind-Value="TriState" Color="Color.Info">TriState</MudSwitch> <MudSwitch @bind-Value="AutoSelectParent" Color="Color.Info">AutoSelectParent</MudSwitch> <MudSwitch @bind-Value="ReadOnly" Color="Color.Info">ReadOnly</MudSwitch> </MudStack>
@code { public IReadOnlyCollection<string> SelectedValues = ["tasks.json", "launch.json"]; public bool ReadOnly = false; public bool TriState = true; public bool AutoSelectParent = true; }
Binding Items Directly
You can also bind the parameters Selected
and Expanded
on individual <MudTreeViewItems>
Of course, manipulating the selection should typically happen via binding SelectedValue
or SelectedValues
on the
but binding the item's parameters makes sense when using the item template (see next example).
<MudPaper Width="300px" Elevation="0"> <MudTreeView T="string" Hover SelectionMode="@SelectionMode.ToggleSelection" Color="Color.Tertiary"> <MudTreeViewItem Text="config" @bind-Expanded="ConfigExpanded" Icon="@Icons.Custom.Uncategorized.Folder" IconExpanded="@Icons.Custom.Uncategorized.FolderOpen"> <MudTreeViewItem Text="launch.json" @bind-Selected="LaunchSelected" Icon="@Icons.Custom.FileFormats.FileCode" /> <MudTreeViewItem Text="tasks.json" @bind-Selected="TasksSelected" Icon="@Icons.Custom.FileFormats.FileCode" /> </MudTreeViewItem> <MudTreeViewItem Text="images" @bind-Expanded="ImagesExpanded" Icon="@Icons.Custom.Uncategorized.Folder" IconExpanded="@Icons.Custom.Uncategorized.FolderOpen"> <MudTreeViewItem Text="logo.png" @bind-Selected="LogoSelected" Icon="@Icons.Custom.FileFormats.FileImage" /> </MudTreeViewItem> </MudTreeView> </MudPaper> <MudStack Row Justify="Justify.Center" AlignItems="AlignItems.Center" Style="width: 100%" Wrap="Wrap.Wrap"> <MudSwitch @bind-Value="ConfigExpanded" Color="Color.Tertiary">config</MudSwitch> <MudSwitch @bind-Value="ImagesExpanded" Color="Color.Tertiary">images</MudSwitch> <MudCheckBox @bind-Value="LaunchSelected" Color="Color.Tertiary">launch.json</MudCheckBox> <MudCheckBox @bind-Value="TasksSelected" Color="Color.Tertiary">tasks.json</MudCheckBox> <MudCheckBox @bind-Value="LogoSelected" Color="Color.Tertiary">logo.png</MudCheckBox> </MudStack>
@code { public bool ConfigExpanded; public bool ImagesExpanded; public bool LaunchSelected = true; public bool TasksSelected; public bool LogoSelected; }
With AutoExpand
set to true collapsed sub-trees that become selected will be expanded automatically. To test it, select chips and see how the corresponding
tree items will be expanded.
To expand or collapse all levels of the tree use the public members ExpandAll()
and CollapseAll()
<MudPaper Width="300px" Elevation="0"> <MudTreeView @ref="TreeView" Hover AutoExpand="" @bind-SelectedValue="SelectedValue" SelectionMode="@SelectionMode.ToggleSelection"> <MudTreeViewItem Value="@("C:")" Icon="@Icons.Custom.Uncategorized.Folder" IconExpanded="@Icons.Custom.Uncategorized.FolderOpen"> <MudTreeViewItem Value="@("config")" Icon="@Icons.Custom.Uncategorized.Folder" IconExpanded="@Icons.Custom.Uncategorized.FolderOpen"> <MudTreeViewItem Value='"launch.json"' Icon="@Icons.Custom.FileFormats.FileCode" /> <MudTreeViewItem Value='"tasks.json"' Icon="@Icons.Custom.FileFormats.FileCode" /> </MudTreeViewItem> <MudTreeViewItem Value="@("images")" Icon="@Icons.Custom.Uncategorized.Folder" IconExpanded="@Icons.Custom.Uncategorized.FolderOpen"> <MudTreeViewItem Value="@("logo.png")" Icon="@Icons.Custom.FileFormats.FileImage" /> </MudTreeViewItem> </MudTreeViewItem> </MudTreeView> </MudPaper> <MudStack Row Justify="Justify.Center" Style="width: 100%" Wrap="Wrap.Wrap"> <MudButton Color="Color.Primary" OnClick="@(()=>TreeView.ExpandAllAsync())" Variant="Variant.Filled">Expand All</MudButton> <MudButton Color="Color.Dark" OnClick="@(()=>TreeView.CollapseAllAsync())" Variant="Variant.Filled">Collapse All</MudButton> <MudChipSet T="string" @bind-SelectedValue="SelectedValue" Color="Color.Primary" Variant="Variant.Text" SelectionMode="@SelectionMode.ToggleSelection"> <MudChip Text="config"/> <MudChip Text="launch.json"/> <MudChip Text="tasks.json"/> <MudChip Text="images"/> <MudChip Text="logo.png"/> </MudChipSet> <MudSwitch @bind-Value="AutoExpand" Color="Color.Primary">AutoExpand</MudSwitch> </MudStack>
@code { public MudTreeView<string> TreeView; public string SelectedValue = null; public bool AutoExpand = true; }
Item Template
This example shows how to use ItemTemplate
to automatically build the tree items according to a hierarchical data structure.
All Mail
Sum of selected items:
<MudPaper Width="300px" Elevation="0"> <MudTreeView Items="" SelectionMode="SelectionMode.MultiSelection" @bind-SelectedValues="SelectedValues"> <ItemTemplate> @{ // Casting context from TreeItemData<string> to our own derived class TreeItemPresenter // for convenient usage in the template var presenter = context as TreeItemPresenter; } <MudTreeViewItem @bind-Expanded="@context.Expanded" Items="@context.Children" Value="@context.Value" Icon="@context.Icon" Text="@context.Text" EndText="@presenter?.Number?.ToString()" EndTextTypo="@Typo.caption" /> </ItemTemplate> </MudTreeView> </MudPaper> <MudStack Row Justify="Justify.Center" Style="width: 100%"> <MudText Typo="@Typo.subtitle1">Sum of selected items: <MudChip T="string">@GetSelectedSum()</MudChip></MudText> </MudStack>
@code { public IReadOnlyCollection<string> SelectedValues { get; set; } public List<TreeItemData<string>> TreeItems { get; set; } = new(); public Dictionary<string, int?> ValueMap { get; set; } public class TreeItemPresenter : TreeItemData<string> { public int? Number { get; set; } public TreeItemPresenter(string text, string icon, int? number = null) : base(text) { Text = text; Icon = icon; Number = number; } } protected override void OnInitialized() { TreeItems.Add(new TreeItemPresenter("All Mail", Icons.Material.Filled.Email)); TreeItems.Add(new TreeItemPresenter("Trash", Icons.Material.Filled.Delete)); TreeItems.Add(new TreeItemPresenter("Categories", Icons.Material.Filled.Label) { Expanded = true, Children = [ new TreeItemPresenter("Social", Icons.Material.Filled.Group, 90), new TreeItemPresenter("Updates", Icons.Material.Filled.Info, 2294), new TreeItemPresenter("Forums", Icons.Material.Filled.QuestionAnswer, 3566), new TreeItemPresenter("Promotions", Icons.Material.Filled.LocalOffer, 733) ] }); TreeItems.Add(new TreeItemPresenter("History", Icons.Material.Filled.Label)); ValueMap = TreeItems.Concat(TreeItems.SelectMany(x => x.Children ?? [])).OfType<TreeItemPresenter>().ToDictionary(x => x.Value, x => x.Number); } public int GetSelectedSum() { if (SelectedValues is null) return 0; return SelectedValues.Select(x => ValueMap.GetValueOrDefault(x, 0)).Sum(i => i ?? 0); } }
Server Side Data
Data can be loaded on demand with the use of the ServerData
parameter, the loading icon and its color can be changed with LoadingIcon
and LoadingIconColor
Lazy-loading can also be disabled for certain items with the CanExpand
property, if you know that there are is no subtree.
All Mail
@using System.Collections.ObjectModel <MudPaper Width="300px" Elevation="0"> <MudTreeView ServerData="" Items=""> <ItemTemplate> <MudTreeViewItem Value="@context.Value" Items="@context.Children" ItemsChanged="@(new Action<IReadOnlyCollection<TreeItemData<string>>>(items => OnItemsLoaded(context, items)))" @bind-Expanded="@context.Expanded" CanExpand="@context.Expandable" Icon="@context.Icon" LoadingIconColor="Color.Info" /> </ItemTemplate> </MudTreeView> </MudPaper>
@code { private List<TreeItemData<string>> InitialTreeItems { get; set; } = new(); private int _idCounter=1; // <- the counter makes sure the generated items are unique protected override void OnInitialized() { // MudTreeView initially only gets these top-level items InitialTreeItems.Add(new TreeItemData<string> { Value = "All Mail", Icon = Icons.Material.Filled.Label, Expanded = true, Children = [ new TreeItemData<string> { Value = "Promotions", Icon = Icons.Material.Filled.Group, }, new TreeItemData<string> { Value = "Updates", Icon = Icons.Material.Filled.Info, }, new TreeItemData<string> { Value = "Forums", Icon = Icons.Material.Filled.QuestionAnswer, Expandable = false }, new TreeItemData<string> { Value = "Social", Icon = Icons.Material.Filled.LocalOffer, Expandable = false } ] }); InitialTreeItems.Add(new TreeItemData<string> { Value = "Trash", Icon = Icons.Material.Filled.Delete }); } public async Task<IReadOnlyCollection<TreeItemData<string>>> LoadServerData(string parentValue) { // wait 500ms to simulate a server load await Task.Delay(500); // normally you would use the parentValue to query your server for the children of the given parent // but for the sake of this example we will just return some hardcoded children return [ new TreeItemData<string> { Value = $"More Spam ({_idCounter++})", Icon = Icons.Material.Filled.Group, }, new TreeItemData<string> { Value = $"L.E.D Door Mats ({_idCounter++})", Icon = Icons.Material.Outlined.Lightbulb, Expandable = false }, new TreeItemData<string> { Value = $"Car Beauty Salon ({_idCounter++})", Icon = Icons.Material.Filled.CarRepair, Expandable = false }, new TreeItemData<string> { Value = $" ({_idCounter++})", Icon = Icons.Material.Outlined.DoorFront, Expandable = false }, new TreeItemData<string> { Value = $"Bluetooth Toilet ({_idCounter++})", Icon = Icons.Material.Filled.Wc, Expandable = false } ]; } private void OnItemsLoaded(TreeItemData<string> treeItemData, IReadOnlyCollection<TreeItemData<string>> children) { // here we store the server-loaded children in the treeItemData so that they are available in the InitialTreeItems // if you don't do this you loose already loaded children on next render update treeItemData.Children = children?.ToList(); } }
The tree nodes can be filtered using the FilterFunc
. The filtering can be triggered using the Filter
function on the MudTreeView
This function is applied to every tree view item in the tree and sets the Visible
All Mail
<MudPaper Width="300px" Elevation="0"> <MudStack AlignItems="AlignItems.Center"> <MudTextField T="string" Label="Search" Adornment="Adornment.Start" AdornmentIcon="@Icons.Material.Filled.Search" TextChanged="OnTextChanged" Immediate="true" Clearable="true" /> <MudTreeView Items="@_treeItemData" @ref="_treeView" FilterFunc="MatchesName"> <ItemTemplate> <MudTreeViewItem @bind-Expanded="@context.Expanded" Items="@context.Children" Value="@context.Value" Icon="@context.Icon" Text="@context.Text" Visible="@context.Visible" /> </ItemTemplate> </MudTreeView> </MudStack> </MudPaper>
@code { private List<TreeItemData<string>> _treeItemData = []; private MudTreeView<string> _treeView; private string _searchPhrase; public class TreeItemPresenter : TreeItemData<string> { public TreeItemPresenter(string text, string icon) : base(text) { Text = text; Icon = icon; } } protected override void OnInitialized() { _treeItemData.Add(new TreeItemPresenter("All Mail", Icons.Material.Filled.Email)); _treeItemData.Add(new TreeItemPresenter("Trash", Icons.Material.Filled.Delete)); _treeItemData.Add(new TreeItemPresenter("Categories", Icons.Material.Filled.Label) { Expanded = true, Children = [ new TreeItemPresenter("Social", Icons.Material.Filled.Group), new TreeItemPresenter("Updates", Icons.Material.Filled.Info), new TreeItemPresenter("Forums", Icons.Material.Filled.QuestionAnswer), new TreeItemPresenter("Promotions", Icons.Material.Filled.LocalOffer) ] }); _treeItemData.Add(new TreeItemPresenter("History", Icons.Material.Filled.Label)); } private async void OnTextChanged(string searchPhrase) { _searchPhrase = searchPhrase; await _treeView.FilterAsync(); } private Task<bool> MatchesName(TreeItemData<string> item) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Text)) { return Task.FromResult(false); } return Task.FromResult(item.Text.Contains(_searchPhrase, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); } }
Custom Look and Behavior
When the Content
property is used, it will completely replace the default rendering of the MudTreeViewItem
to use your own.
This gives you every opportunity to change the behavior of MudTreeView
to anything you want. In this example we build our own non-standard multi selection behavior where
selecting the parent node does not automatically select the children and vice-versa. Also, note how only certain items can be selected.
By the way, to get nice scrolling behavior like in this example, you must constrain the container's height
or max-height
and set the container's
Coffee Makers
Moka Pot
$36.99French Press
$19.99Spare Sieve
$6.00Cleaning Kit
Tea Pots
Glass Teapot
$36.99Glass Infuser
$2.99Stainless Steel Infuser
Stainless Steel Teapot
$14.15Japanese Cast Iron Teapot
$26.39Porcelain Teapot
Selected items:
<MudStack> <MudPaper Width="400px" MaxHeight="400px" Class="overflow-y-auto" Elevation="2"> <MudTreeView Items="" ReadOnly> <ItemTemplate> @{ var product = context.Value; // for convenient usage in the template } <MudTreeViewItem @bind-Expanded="@context.Expanded" Items="@context.Children" Value="@context.Value"> <Content> <MudTreeViewItemToggleButton @bind-Expanded="@context.Expanded" Visible="@context.HasChildren" /> @if (product?.Price is not null) { <MudCheckBox T="bool" Size="Size.Small" Value="@context.Selected" ValueChanged="@((v)=> OnCheckboxChanged(v, context))" /> } <MudIcon Icon="@product?.Icon" Class="ml-0 mr-2" Color="@Color.Default" /> <MudText>@product?.Name</MudText> @if (product?.Price is not null) { <MudChip Class="ml-1">@product.Price.Value.ToString("C")</MudChip> } </Content> </MudTreeViewItem> </ItemTemplate> </MudTreeView> </MudPaper> <MudStack Class="mt-3" Style="width: 400px"> <MudText Typo="@Typo.subtitle1" Inline>Selected items: @(string.Join(", ", (SelectedValues ?? []).Select(x => x.Name)))</MudText> <MudStack> <MudText Typo="@Typo.subtitle1">Sum: <MudChip T="string">@GetSelectedSum().ToString("C")</MudChip></MudText> </MudStack> </MudStack> </MudStack>
@code { public void OnCheckboxChanged(bool selected, TreeItemData<Product> context) { context.Selected = selected; if (context.Value?.Price is null) return; if (context.Selected) SelectedValues.Add(context.Value); else SelectedValues.Remove(context.Value); } public HashSet<Product> SelectedValues { get; set; } = new(); public List<TreeItemData<Product>> TreeItems { get; set; } = new(); public class Product : IEquatable<Product> { public decimal? Price { get; set; } public string Name { get; init; } public string Icon { get; set; } public Product(string name, string icon, decimal? price = null) { Name = name; Icon = icon; Price = price; } public bool Equals(Product other) { if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) return false; if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) return true; return Name == other.Name; } public override bool Equals(object obj) => ReferenceEquals(this, obj) || obj is Product other && Equals(other); public override int GetHashCode() => Name?.GetHashCode() ?? 0; } protected override void OnInitialized() { TreeItems.Add(new TreeItemData<Product> { Value=new Product("Coffee Makers", Icons.Material.Filled.Label), Expanded = true, Children = [ new TreeItemData<Product> { Value=new Product("Moka Pot", Icons.Material.Filled.LocalOffer, 36.99m), }, new TreeItemData<Product> { Value=new Product("French Press", Icons.Material.Filled.LocalOffer, 19.99m), Expanded = true, Children = [ new TreeItemData<Product> { Value = new Product("Spare Sieve", Icons.Material.Filled.LocalOffer, 6.00m) }, new TreeItemData<Product> { Value = new Product("Cleaning Kit", Icons.Material.Filled.LocalOffer, 17.59m) } ] } ] }); TreeItems.Add(new TreeItemData<Product> { Value = new Product("Tea Pots", Icons.Material.Filled.Label), Expanded = true, Children = [ new TreeItemData<Product> { Value=new Product("Glass Teapot", Icons.Material.Filled.LocalOffer, 36.99m), Expanded = true, Children = [ new TreeItemData<Product> { Value = new Product("Glass Infuser", Icons.Material.Filled.LocalOffer, 2.99m) }, new TreeItemData<Product> { Value = new Product("Stainless Steel Infuser", Icons.Material.Filled.LocalOffer, 5.99m) } ] }, new TreeItemData<Product> { Value = new Product("Stainless Steel Teapot", Icons.Material.Filled.LocalOffer, 14.15m) }, new TreeItemData<Product> { Value = new Product("Japanese Cast Iron Teapot", Icons.Material.Filled.LocalOffer, 26.39m) }, new TreeItemData<Product> { Value = new Product("Porcelain Teapot", Icons.Material.Filled.LocalOffer, 38.00m) } ] }); } public decimal GetSelectedSum() { if (SelectedValues is null) return 0; return SelectedValues.Sum(p => p.Price ?? 0); } }
Custom Body Content
Use the <BodyContent>
instead of the <Content>
render fragment
if you want to customize the tree item but still use the built-in icons and expansion buttons.
<MudPaper Width="400px" Elevation="2"> <MudTreeView Items="" Hover="true"> <ItemTemplate Context="item"> <MudTreeViewItem Items="@item.Children" Icon="@item.Icon"> <BodyContent> <div style="display: grid; grid-template-columns: 1fr auto; align-items: center; width: 100%"> <MudText Style="justify-self: start;">@item.Text</MudText> <div style="justify-self: end;"> <MudIconButton Icon="@Icons.Material.Filled.Edit" Size="Size.Medium" Color="Color.Inherit" /> <MudIconButton Icon="@Icons.Material.Filled.Delete" Size="Size.Medium" Color="Color.Inherit" /> </div> </div> </BodyContent> </MudTreeViewItem> </ItemTemplate> </MudTreeView> </MudPaper>
@code { private List<TreeItemData<string>> TreeItems { get; set; } = []; public class TreeItemData : TreeItemData<string> { public TreeItemData(string text, string icon) : base(text) { Text = text; Icon = icon; } } protected override void OnInitialized() { TreeItems.Add(new TreeItemData(".github", Icons.Custom.Brands.GitHub)); TreeItems.Add(new TreeItemData(".vscode", Icons.Custom.Brands.MicrosoftVisualStudio)); TreeItems.Add(new TreeItemData("content", Icons.Custom.FileFormats.FileDocument)); TreeItems.Add(new TreeItemData("src", Icons.Custom.FileFormats.FileCode) { Children = [ new TreeItemData("MudBlazor", Icons.Custom.Brands.MudBlazor), new TreeItemData("MudBlazor.Docs", Icons.Custom.FileFormats.FileDocument) { Children = [ new TreeItemData("_Imports.razor", Icons.Material.Filled.AlternateEmail), new TreeItemData("compilerconfig.json", Icons.Custom.FileFormats.FileImage), new TreeItemData("MudBlazor.Docs.csproj", Icons.Custom.Brands.MicrosoftVisualStudio), new TreeItemData("NewFilesToBuild.txt", Icons.Custom.FileFormats.FileDocument) ] }, new TreeItemData("MudBlazor.Docs.Client", Icons.Material.Filled.Folder), new TreeItemData("MudBlazor.Docs.Compiler", Icons.Material.Filled.Folder), new TreeItemData("MudBlazor.Docs.Server", Icons.Material.Filled.Folder), new TreeItemData("MudBlazor.UnitTests", Icons.Material.Filled.Folder), new TreeItemData(".editorconfig", Icons.Custom.FileFormats.FileCode), new TreeItemData("MudBlazor.sln", Icons.Custom.Brands.MicrosoftVisualStudio) ] }); TreeItems.Add(new TreeItemData("History", Icons.Material.Filled.Folder)); } }