Simple List
is used to display a collection of items which can contain an avatar, an icon, text or custom content.
If you want the component to be readonly set parameter ReadOnly
to true. You can also use the list for
navigation if you set parameter Href
on its MudListItems
. Use
to separate groups of items.
Removed e-mails
E-mails from common providers
<MudPaper Width="300px"> <MudList T="string"> <MudListItem Text="Inbox" Icon="@Icons.Material.Filled.Inbox" /> <MudListItem Text="Sent" Icon="@Icons.Material.Filled.Send" /> <MudListItem Text="Drafts" Disabled="true" IconColor="Color.Info" Icon="@Icons.Material.Filled.Drafts" /> <MudDivider /> <MudListItem Text="Trash" SecondaryText="Removed e-mails" /> <MudListItem Text="Spam" SecondaryText="E-mails from common providers" /> </MudList> </MudPaper>
Nested List
To create a nested list with multiple levels of nesting use the <NestedList>
render fragment of the <MudListItem>
The nested lists inherit all settings of the top-level list. To initialize the expansion state of a nested list set the Expanded
parameter. You can also bind
it to control the sub-list expansion state. This example also shows how to appropriate the <MudListSubheader>
as a footer.
Sent mail
Re: Meeting tomorrow
Fwd: JavaScript memes xD
<MudPaper Width="300px"> <MudList T="string"> <MudListSubheader> Nested List Items </MudListSubheader> <MudListItem Icon="@Icons.Material.Filled.Inbox" Text="Inbox" Expanded> <NestedList> <MudListItem Icon="@Icons.Material.Filled.StarRate"> Starred </MudListItem> <MudListItem Icon="@Icons.Material.Filled.WatchLater"> Snoozed </MudListItem> </NestedList> </MudListItem> <MudListItem Icon="@Icons.Material.Filled.Send" Text="Sent mail" @bind-Expanded="_expanded"> <NestedList> <MudListItem>Re: Meeting tomorrow</MudListItem> <MudListItem>Fwd: JavaScript memes xD</MudListItem> </NestedList> </MudListItem> <MudListItem Icon="@Icons.Material.Filled.Drafts"> Drafts </MudListItem> <MudDivider/> <MudListSubheader Class="mb-n3"> <MudSwitch Color="Color.Primary" @bind-Value="_expanded">"Sent mail" Expansion</MudSwitch> </MudListSubheader> </MudList> </MudPaper>
@code { bool _expanded; }
A <MudList>
which has its SelectionMode
set to either SelectionMode.SingleSelection
can be used to select a single value across all its nested lists.
Use @bind-SelectedValue
to manipulate the selected value or receive updates when the user selects a value.
The value of a <MudListItem>
is defined either via its Text
or its Value
For T="string"
setting only Text
will suffice if the text you want to display is the same as the selectable value. If
you set Value
you can set a different display text with Text
. The example below demonstrates this.
You can customize the selected item color via the Color
parameter. If ReadOnly
is set, the list will display the selected value but
you can't change it.
Sparkling Water
English Tea
Chinese Tea
Bubble Tea
Irish Coffee
Double Espresso
Cafe Latte
<MudPaper Width="300px"> <MudList T="string" @bind-SelectedValue="SelectedValue" SelectionMode="" ReadOnly="" Color="@Color.Info"> <MudListSubheader> Your drink: <MudChip Color="@Color.Info"> @(SelectedValue ?? "You are dry") </MudChip> </MudListSubheader> <MudListItem Text="Milk" /> <MudListItem Text="Sparkling Water" Value='"Carbonated H²O"' /> <MudListItem Text="Teas"> <NestedList> <MudListItem Text="English Tea" Value='"Earl Grey"' /> <MudListItem Text="Chinese Tea" Value='"Gunpowder Tea"' /> <MudListItem Text="Bubble Tea" /> </NestedList> </MudListItem> <MudListItem Text="Coffees"> <NestedList> <MudListItem Text="Irish Coffee" /> <MudListItem Text="Double Espresso" /> <MudListItem Text="Cafe Latte" /> </NestedList> </MudListItem> </MudList> </MudPaper> <MudStack Row Justify="Justify.Center" Style="width: 100%" Wrap="Wrap.Wrap"> <MudRadioGroup @bind-Value="SelectionMode"> <MudRadio Value="SelectionMode.SingleSelection" Color="Color.Primary">SingleSelection</MudRadio> <MudRadio Value="SelectionMode.ToggleSelection" Color="Color.Primary">ToggleSelection</MudRadio> </MudRadioGroup> <MudChipSet T="string" @bind-SelectedValue="SelectedValue" SelectionMode="" Color="Color.Info" Variant="Variant.Text"> <MudChip Text="Milk" /> <MudChip Text="Carbonated H²O" /> <MudChip Text="Earl Grey" /> <MudChip Text="Gunpowder Tea" /> <MudChip Text="Bubble Tea" /> <MudChip Text="Irish Coffee" /> <MudChip Text="Double Espresso" /> <MudChip Text="Cafe Latte" /> </MudChipSet> <MudSwitch @bind-Value="ReadOnly" Color="Color.Primary">ReadOnly</MudSwitch> </MudStack>
@code { public string SelectedValue = "Milk"; public SelectionMode SelectionMode = SelectionMode.SingleSelection; public bool ReadOnly; }
can also be used to select multiple values if the SelectionMode
is set to SelectionMode.MultiSelection
To manipulate the selected values or to receive updates when the user changes the selection use @bind-SelectedValues
(note the 's' at the end).
Sparkling Water
English Tea
Chinese Tea
Bubble Tea
Irish Coffee
Double Espresso
Cafe Latte
<MudPaper Width="300px"> <MudList T="string" @bind-SelectedValues="SelectedValues" SelectionMode="SelectionMode.MultiSelection" ReadOnly="" CheckBoxColor="Color.Tertiary"> <MudListSubheader> Select your favourite drinks: </MudListSubheader> <MudListItem Text="Milk" /> <MudListItem Text="Sparkling Water" Value='"Carbonated H²O"' /> <MudListItem Text="Teas"> <NestedList> <MudListItem Text="English Tea" Value='"Earl Grey"' /> <MudListItem Text="Chinese Tea" Value='"Gunpowder Tea"' /> <MudListItem Text="Bubble Tea" /> </NestedList> </MudListItem> <MudListItem Text="Coffees"> <NestedList> <MudListItem Text="Irish Coffee" /> <MudListItem Text="Double Espresso" /> <MudListItem Text="Cafe Latte" /> </NestedList> </MudListItem> </MudList> </MudPaper> <MudStack Row Justify="Justify.Center" Style="width: 100%" Wrap="Wrap.Wrap"> <MudChipSet T="string" @bind-SelectedValues="SelectedValues" SelectionMode="SelectionMode.MultiSelection" Color="Color.Tertiary" Variant="Variant.Text"> <MudChip Text="Milk"/> <MudChip Text="Carbonated H²O"/> <MudChip Text="Earl Grey"/> <MudChip Text="Gunpowder Tea" /> <MudChip Text="Bubble Tea" /> <MudChip Text="Irish Coffee" /> <MudChip Text="Double Espresso"/> <MudChip Text="Cafe Latte"/> </MudChipSet> <MudSwitch @bind-Value="ReadOnly" Color="Color.Info">ReadOnly</MudSwitch> </MudStack>
@code { public IReadOnlyCollection<string> SelectedValues = ["Milk", "Cafe Latte"]; public bool ReadOnly; }
To make the list non-interactive you can set the <ReadOnly>
parameter. In this mode it will still display the selected item.
In <Disabled>
mode the selection is not shown at all.
Hydrogen (H-1) - stable
Deuterium (H-2) - stable
Tritium (H-3) - radioactive
Uranium (U-92) - radioactive
Uranium (U-234) - radioactive
Uranium (U-235) - radioactive
Uranium (U-238) - radioactive
<MudGrid> <MudItem xs="12" md="6"> <MudPaper Width="100%"> <MudList T="string" ReadOnly="" Dense="" Gutters="" Disabled="" Padding=""> <MudListSubheader>Important Isotopes</MudListSubheader> <MudListItem Text="Hydrogen (H-1) - stable" Icon="" IconColor="" Expanded> <NestedList> <MudListItem Text="Deuterium (H-2) - stable" Icon="" IconColor="" /> <MudListItem Text="Tritium (H-3) - radioactive" Icon="" IconColor="" /> </NestedList> </MudListItem> <MudListItem Text="Uranium (U-92) - radioactive" Icon="" IconColor=""> <NestedList> <MudListItem Text="Uranium (U-234) - radioactive" Icon="" IconColor="" /> <MudListItem Text="Uranium (U-235) - radioactive" Icon="" IconColor="" /> <MudListItem Text="Uranium (U-238) - radioactive" Icon="" IconColor="" /> </NestedList> </MudListItem> </MudList> </MudPaper> </MudItem> <MudItem xs="12" md="12" Class="d-flex"> <MudCheckBox @bind-Value="Dense" Label="Dense"/> <MudCheckBox @bind-Value="ReadOnly" Label="ReadOnly"/> <MudCheckBox @bind-Value="Gutters" Label="Gutters"/> <MudCheckBox @bind-Value="Padding" Label="Padding"/> <MudCheckBox @bind-Value="Icon" Label="Icon"/> <MudCheckBox @bind-Value="IconColor" Label="IconColor"/> <MudCheckBox @bind-Value="Disabled" Label="Disabled"/> </MudItem> </MudGrid>
@code { public bool Dense { get; set; } public bool ReadOnly { get; set; } public bool Gutters { get; set; } = true; public bool Padding { get; set; } = true; public bool Disabled { get; set; } public bool Icon { get; set; } = true; public bool IconColor { get; set; } = true; public string StableIcon => Icon ? Icons.Material.Filled.RadioButtonChecked : null; public string RadioactiveIcon => Icon ? "<svg xmlns=\"\" viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\"><title>radioactive-circle-outline</title><path d=\"M12 4C16.4 4 20 7.6 20 12S16.4 20 12 20 4 16.4 4 12 7.6 4 12 4M12 2C6.5 2 2 6.5 2 12S6.5 22 12 22 22 17.5 22 12 17.5 2 12 2M15 17.2L13.2 14.2C12.8 14.4 12.4 14.5 12 14.5S11.1 14.4 10.8 14.2C10.3 15.1 9.6 16.2 9 17.2C9.9 17.7 10.9 18 12 18S14.1 17.7 15 17.2M15 6.8L13.2 9.8C13.9 10.2 14.5 11 14.5 12H18C18 9.8 16.8 7.8 15 6.8M12 13C12.6 13 13 12.6 13 12S12.6 11 12 11 11 11.4 11 12 11.4 13 12 13M6 12H9.5C9.5 11.1 10 10.3 10.8 9.8C10.3 8.9 9.6 7.8 9 6.8C7.2 7.8 6 9.8 6 12Z\" /></svg>" : null; public Color StableColor => IconColor ? Color.Primary : default; public Color RadioactiveColor => IconColor ? Color.Tertiary : default; }
List items can either display an icon via the Icon
parameter or an avatar via the <AvatarContent>
render fragment.
The content inside <AvatarContent>
doesn't necessarily have to be an Avatar it can be
anything you want to render in place of an avatar or icon.

<MudPaper Width="300px"> <MudList T="string"> <MudListItem> <AvatarContent> <MudAvatar> <MudImage Src="images/mony.jpg"/> </MudAvatar> </AvatarContent> <ChildContent> Photos </ChildContent> </MudListItem> <MudListItem> <AvatarContent> <MudAvatar> <MudIcon Icon="@Icons.Material.Filled.Work" Color="Color.Primary" /> </MudAvatar> </AvatarContent> <ChildContent> Work </ChildContent> </MudListItem> <MudListItem> <AvatarContent> <MudAvatar Color="Color.Tertiary">V</MudAvatar> </AvatarContent> <ChildContent> Vacation </ChildContent> </MudListItem> </MudList> </MudPaper>