is used to embed an image in an HTML page. Images are not technically inserted into a page, but are linked to a file.
The component represent the <img>
tag and creates a holding space for the referenced image.
<MudImage Src="images/mony.jpg" Alt="Mony the dog" Elevation="25" Class="rounded-lg"/>
Fallback Image
If the Src
image fails to load, the FallbackSrc
will be loaded.
<MudTooltip Text="Valid source"> <MudImage Src="images/jonny.jpg" Alt="Here's Johnny" Elevation="25" Class="rounded-lg ma-4" FallbackSrc="images/mony.jpg" /> </MudTooltip> <MudTooltip Text="Invalid source (typo)"> <MudImage Src="images/johnny.jpg" Alt="Here's Johnny" Elevation="25" Class="rounded-lg ma-4" FallbackSrc="images/mony.jpg" /> </MudTooltip>
Size can be directly set on the image with the Width
and Height
property, it can also be useful to set this even if you want a responsive image, setting them will make the image take up set space even before they are loaded which can be useful if your pictures takes long time to load.
<MudImage Src="images/sweden.jpg" Width="200" Height="150" Alt="Swedish Farm House" Elevation="25" Class="rounded-lg ma-4"/> <MudImage Src="images/sweden.jpg" Width="332" Height="250" Alt="Swedish Farm House" Elevation="25" Class="rounded-lg ma-4"/>
Responsive Images
To get responsive images set the Fluid
property to true. This applies max-width: 100%; and height: auto;
so the image scales with the parent's width.
Resize the example bellow to see how the image scales with the parents with.
<MudImage Fluid="true" Src="images/iceland.jpg" Alt="Swedish Farm House" Class="rounded-lg"/>
Image Fit
Use ObjectFit
to controll how a image should be resized.
<div class="d-flex justify-center"> <MudImage ObjectFit="" Height="200" Width="400" Src="images/castle.jpg" Alt="Örebro Slott" Elevation="25" Class="rounded-lg"/> </div> <MudChipSet T="string" CheckMark Class="mt-12"> <MudChip Text="None" OnClick="@(() => SetImageFit(ObjectFit.None))" SelectedColor="Color.Primary" /> <MudChip Text="Cover" OnClick="@(() => SetImageFit(ObjectFit.Cover))" SelectedColor="Color.Primary" Default="true"/> <MudChip Text="Contain" OnClick="@(() => SetImageFit(ObjectFit.Contain))" SelectedColor="Color.Primary" /> <MudChip Text="Fill" OnClick="@(() => SetImageFit(ObjectFit.Fill))" SelectedColor="Color.Primary" /> <MudChip Text="ScaleDown" OnClick="@(() => SetImageFit(ObjectFit.ScaleDown))" SelectedColor="Color.Primary" /> </MudChipSet>
@code { ObjectFit ImageFit = ObjectFit.Cover; void SetImageFit(ObjectFit value) { ImageFit = value; } }
Image Position
With the ObjectPosition
property you can specify how a image should be positioned within its container.
<div class="d-flex justify-center"> <MudImage ObjectFit="ObjectFit.None" ObjectPosition="" Height="200" Width="400" Src="images/iceland.jpg" Alt="Öxarárfoss, Iceland" Elevation="25" Class="rounded-lg"/> </div> <MudChipSet T="string" CheckMark Class="mt-12"> <MudChip Text="Center" OnClick="@(() => SetImagePosition(ObjectPosition.Center))" SelectedColor="Color.Primary" Default="true" /> <MudChip Text="Top" OnClick="@(() => SetImagePosition(ObjectPosition.Top))" SelectedColor="Color.Primary" /> <MudChip Text="Bottom" OnClick="@(() => SetImagePosition(ObjectPosition.Bottom))" SelectedColor="Color.Primary" /> <MudChip Text="Left" OnClick="@(() => SetImagePosition(ObjectPosition.Left))" SelectedColor="Color.Primary" /> <MudChip Text="Left Top" OnClick="@(() => SetImagePosition(ObjectPosition.LeftTop))" SelectedColor="Color.Primary" /> <MudChip Text="Left Bottom" OnClick="@(() => SetImagePosition(ObjectPosition.LeftBottom))" SelectedColor="Color.Primary" /> <MudChip Text="Right" OnClick="@(() => SetImagePosition(ObjectPosition.Right))" SelectedColor="Color.Primary" /> <MudChip Text="Right Top" OnClick="@(() => SetImagePosition(ObjectPosition.RightTop))" SelectedColor="Color.Primary" /> <MudChip Text="Right Bottom" OnClick="@(() => SetImagePosition(ObjectPosition.RightBottom))" SelectedColor="Color.Primary" /> </MudChipSet>
@code { ObjectPosition ImagePosition = ObjectPosition.Center; void SetImagePosition(ObjectPosition value) { ImagePosition = value; } }
Width: 300px
Height: Auto
<MudGrid> <MudItem xs="12" md="8" Class="d-flex justify-center align-center" Style="height:500px;"> <MudImage ObjectFit="ImageFit" Height="@(SetHeight ? ImageHeight : null)" Width="@(SetWidth ? ImageWidth : null)" Src="@($"images/{Image}")" Alt="Mony the dog" Elevation="25" Class="rounded-lg"/> </MudItem> <MudItem xs="12" md="4"> <MudPaper Class="pa-4 mt-6 mt-lg-16" Elevation="0"> <MudText Typo="Typo.h6">Options</MudText> <MudSelect Label="Image" Dense="true" Margin="Margin.Dense" @bind-Value="Image" Class="mt-4"> <MudSelectItem T="string" Value="@("tractor.jpg")">Tractor</MudSelectItem> <MudSelectItem T="string" Value="@("door.jpg")">Door</MudSelectItem> <MudSelectItem T="string" Value="@("castle.jpg")">Castle</MudSelectItem> <MudSelectItem T="string" Value="@("iceland.jpg")">Iceland</MudSelectItem> <MudSelectItem T="string" Value="@("pilars.jpg")">Pilars</MudSelectItem> <MudSelectItem T="string" Value="@("sweden.jpg")">Sweden</MudSelectItem> </MudSelect> <MudSelect Label="Image Fit" Dense="true" Margin="Margin.Dense" @bind-Value="ImageFit" Class="mt-4"> <MudSelectItem T="ObjectFit" Value="ObjectFit.None">None</MudSelectItem> <MudSelectItem T="ObjectFit" Value="ObjectFit.Cover">Cover</MudSelectItem> <MudSelectItem T="ObjectFit" Value="ObjectFit.Contain">Contain</MudSelectItem> <MudSelectItem T="ObjectFit" Value="ObjectFit.Fill">Fill</MudSelectItem> <MudSelectItem T="ObjectFit" Value="ObjectFit.ScaleDown">ScaleDown</MudSelectItem> </MudSelect> <div class="d-flex justify-space-between align-center mt-4"> <MudText>Width: @(SetWidth ? $"{ImageWidth}px" : "Auto")</MudText> <MudSwitch @bind-Value="SetWidth" Color="Color.Primary" Class="mr-0" /> </div> <MudSlider @bind-Value="ImageWidth" Disabled="@(!SetWidth)" Max="400" Color="Color.Primary"/> <div class="d-flex justify-space-between align-center mt-4"> <MudText>Height: @(SetHeight ? $"{ImageHeight}px" : "Auto")</MudText> <MudSwitch @bind-Value="SetHeight" Color="Color.Secondary" Class="mr-0" /> </div> <MudSlider @bind-Value="ImageHeight" Disabled="@(!SetHeight)" Max="350" Color="Color.Secondary"/> </MudPaper> </MudItem> </MudGrid>
@code { public string Image { get; set; } = "tractor.jpg"; public bool SetHeight { get; set; } = false; public bool SetWidth { get; set; } = true; public int ImageHeight { get; set; } = 300; public int ImageWidth { get; set; } = 300; public ObjectFit ImageFit { get; set; } = ObjectFit.Cover; }