
Guidance and suggestions for using icons with MudBlazor.

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See the full list of all icons that comes preloaded here: MudBlazor Icons


The MudIcon component shows the specified icon with the chosen style. You can use the Title attribute to improve accessibility with screen readers and show a tooltip on hover.

<MudIcon Icon="@Icons.Material.Filled.Favorite" Title="Favorite" />
<MudIcon Icon="@Icons.Material.Filled.Api" Title="API" />
<MudIcon Icon="@Icons.Material.Filled.AddCircle" Title="Add" />
<MudIcon Icon="@Icons.Custom.Brands.GitHub" Title="GitHub" />
<MudIcon Icon="@Icons.Custom.Brands.Google" Title="Google" />
<MudIcon Icon="@Icons.Custom.Brands.Reddit" Title="Reddit" />
<MudIcon Icon="@Icons.Custom.Uncategorized.Radioactive" Color="Color.Default" />
<MudIcon Icon="@Icons.Custom.Uncategorized.Radioactive" Color="Color.Primary" />
<MudIcon Icon="@Icons.Custom.Uncategorized.Radioactive" Color="Color.Secondary" />
<MudIcon Icon="@Icons.Custom.Uncategorized.Radioactive" Color="Color.Success" />
<MudIcon Icon="@Icons.Custom.Uncategorized.Radioactive" Color="Color.Info" />
<MudIcon Icon="@Icons.Custom.Uncategorized.Radioactive" Color="Color.Warning" />
<MudIcon Icon="@Icons.Custom.Uncategorized.Radioactive" Color="Color.Error" />
<MudIcon Icon="@Icons.Custom.Uncategorized.Radioactive" Color="Color.Dark" />
<MudIcon Icon="@Icons.Custom.Uncategorized.Radioactive" Size="Size.Small" />
<MudIcon Icon="@Icons.Custom.Uncategorized.Radioactive" />
<MudIcon Icon="@Icons.Custom.Uncategorized.Radioactive" Size="Size.Large" />
Material Variants

Material icons that comes loaded with MudBlazor by default is available in Filled, Outlined, Rounded, Sharp and TwoToned.

<MudIcon Icon="@Icons.Material.Filled.ThumbUp" Style="font-size: 4rem;" />
<MudIcon Icon="@Icons.Material.Outlined.ThumbUp"  Style="font-size: 4rem;" />
<MudIcon Icon="@Icons.Material.Rounded.ThumbUp"  Style="font-size: 4rem;" />
<MudIcon Icon="@Icons.Material.Sharp.ThumbUp"  Style="font-size: 4rem;" />
<MudIcon Icon="@Icons.Material.TwoTone.ThumbUp"  Style="font-size: 4rem;" />
Font Icons

MudIcon also supports icon fonts. It supports class-based font icons such as Font Awesome and text-based icon fonts such as Material Symbols. <MudIcon> uses different syntax to distinguish them as explained below. If you don't know the type of your font icon library just try out which syntax works.

Note: you can use font icons also in other components such as <MudIconButton>, <MudButton> and many more.

CSS Class-Based Font Icons

Most font icon libraries such as Font Awesome use two CSS classes for each icon. Pass these to the Icon parameter using the syntax icon-font-class icon-class.

<link href="https://use.fontawesome.com/releases/v5.14.0/css/all.css" rel="stylesheet">

<MudIcon Icon="fas fa-database" Color="Color.Primary" />
<MudIcon Icon="fas fa-home" Color="Color.Secondary" />
<MudIcon Icon="fas fa-search" />
<MudIconButton Icon="fas fa-sync-alt" />
<MudButton StartIcon="fas fa-paper-plane" Color="Color.Info" Variant="Variant.Filled">Send</MudButton>
Text-Based Font Icons

Some icon libraries such as Material Symbols use the inner text of an HTML element to determine which icon to display. MudIcon supports these also via the syntax icon-font-class/icon-name

<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Material+Symbols+Outlined" rel="stylesheet" />

<MudIcon Icon="material-symbols-outlined/database" Color="Color.Primary"/>
<MudIcon Icon="material-symbols-outlined/home" Color="Color.Secondary"/>
<MudIcon Icon="material-symbols-outlined/search" />
<MudIconButton Icon="material-symbols-outlined/refresh" aria-label="refresh"/>
<MudButton StartIcon="material-symbols-outlined/send" Color="Color.Info" Variant="Variant.Filled">Send</MudButton>
Custom SVG Icons

The icon parameter of <MudIcon>, <MudButton> and other components are just SVG strings. So changing an icon programmatically is as easy as assigning a new string.
Also, if the icon you need is not available in MudBlazor's icon library you can just assign your own SVG. The cube icon in this example is cube-outline from Material Design Icons.

<MudIcon Icon="@icons[index]" Color="Color.Primary" />
<MudButton Variant="Variant.Filled" OnClick="CycleIcons" DropShadow="false" Size="Size.Small">Cycle Icon</MudButton>
    private int index = 0;
    private string[] icons = { Icons.Custom.Brands.MudBlazor, cube, Icons.Custom.Brands.GitHub };

    private void CycleIcons()
        index = (index + 1) % 3;

    const string cube = @"<svg style=""width:24px;height:24px"" viewBox=""0 0 24 24"">
    <path fill=""currentColor"" d=""M21,16.5C21,16.88 20.79,17.21 20.47,17.38L12.57,21.82C12.41,21.94 12.21,22 12,22C11.79,22 11.59,21.94 11.43,21.82L3.53,17.38C3.21,17.21 3,16.88 3,16.5V7.5C3,7.12 3.21,6.79 3.53,6.62L11.43,2.18C11.59,2.06 11.79,2 12,2C12.21,2 12.41,2.06 12.57,2.18L20.47,6.62C20.79,6.79 21,7.12 21,7.5V16.5M12,4.15L6.04,7.5L12,10.85L17.96,7.5L12,4.15M5,15.91L11,19.29V12.58L5,9.21V15.91M19,15.91V9.21L13,12.58V19.29L19,15.91Z"" />
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